New Path II – Taking exploitation concepts in heterogeneous project constellations further

German version


Ongoing project



The New Path project (9/2021 to 12/2023) examined the collaboration between creative professionals and researchers from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as part of the Fraunhofer residency programme »Artist or Designer in Lab«. Success factors for the collaboration and legal aspects of the utilisation and exploitation of the developed results were examined. At the end of the New Path project, various implications for action emerged, which are to be specifically addressed and analysed for their applicability in the follow-up project New Path II.



The continuation of New Path pursues three main objectives:

  • Continuous process optimisation and internal capacity building
  • Strengthening networking and sustainable consolidation of creative research collaborations with the help of stakeholder dialogues
  •  Continuation of best practices and maximisation of impact potentials


Role of Fraunhofer IRB

The Fraunhofer IRB coordinates the activities in the project and, together with participants, decision-makers and implementers at Fraunhofer headquarters, develops solutions for the further improvement of cooperation within the framework of the Fraunhofer residency programme »Artist or Designer in Lab« and promotes internal knowledge transfer and cross-departmental networking.



Results are not yet available as the project has not yet been finalised.